
Here’s what I learned in Hawaii

Here’s what I learned in Hawaii

Hey there,
Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii. We’re flying home as you read this from another incredible experience of teaching in Hawaii.

I’d hoped to be able to steal the time needed to write this weeks newsletter but after ten straight days of starting at 5:00am and going to bed at 9:00pm I literally haven’t had a moment. So I can only share a few pictures with you and promise to be with you next Sunday!.

I would like to say this annual “Intensive Retreat” to the Big Island of Hawaii is one of the highlights of my life.

And it’s called an “Intensive Retreat” for a reason. We get up every morning at 5:00am to head out for a sunrise at one of the most beautiful spots on earth – Pololu Valley.

And for the next hour and a half this beautiful spot is our class room where I get to teach. How blessed am I?

Then we come back for breakfast and more teachings till noon at another cool classroom:

have some lunch, more teachings for a bit and then it’s time for lots of fun

and always evening sunsets!

And then we’re up at 5:00am and doing it again! It’s exhausting and exhilarating and again, as blessed as my life gets.

I look forward to sharing more with you next Sunday so until then my very best.