An Important Question For All Dreamers
Hey there,
Good morning and happy Sunday to you!
I’m writing this from my acting school studio which is located in the Presidio in San Francisco and that’s what I am so incredibly grateful for this morning – to live and work in such a beautiful place. I am blessed beyond words that this is where I get to go to work every day.
How about you? What are you deeply grateful for this morning?
I’m really asking so please take a moment. It’s worth it.
Todays topic request comes from Pamela. She asked:
“Could you please talk about how to know what to focus on as an actor? What actions can I be taking to really forward my vision in my dream? Do I know the right actions? Will the path simply become clear?
Beautiful questions.
Sanford Meisner once said, “The most important question you will ever ask yourself is why are you doing this? Why do you really want to be an actor? Your answer will lead you to what it is you’re supposed to do next.”
Classic Sandy.
And brilliant.
And more classic Sandy: “Actors are the laziest segment of the artistic profession. Explain to me why a true artist must work at their craft daily and if they don’t they consider that a day lost forever and why actors just sit around coffee houses all day long and bitch and moan about their careers. I’ll tell you why. Most actors just want to be famous. I wonder how many of you would be doing this if you couldn’t get rich and famous. I wonder.”
So, why are you doing this? Why do you really want to be an actor?
Really take a moment and answer that. It’s important. Your answer may change over the years but right now, as honest as you can be, why are you doing this?
There’s no right answer but your answer WILL help you determine what to do next and what to focus on.
For many people wanting to be actors it truly is for fame and fortune. That is NOT a criticism but in my opinion, it’s ego driven and I’m an advocate for getting ALL of your ego out of your art and to come from a place where it’s not about you at all.
I became an actor because I wanted a voice, an outlet to express the things that I was passionate about. I wanted to move people, to inspire people – especially younger people – and to be of service.
I didn’t care if it was through films, TV, or theater. I just wanted a way to share what was inside of me with others.
And being clear about my reasons for doing this has allowed me – every step of the way – to know exactly what to do next, where to invest my time, what projects to accept and which to decline, and even where to live.
How about you?
Why ARE you doing this?
There’s so much more I’d like to share on this topic so I think it’s time for another webinar. As Artistic Family members this will be free to you so mark it on your calendars and join us all Saturday, June 4th at 10am PST. Come ready with your questions and we’ll answer them all.
I’ll send you the details as it approaches and if there’s someone you know who would appreciate hanging with us have them join our newsletter family by going HERE.
And please continue to send me your newsletter ideas and topics.
As always, thank you for your time. I appreciate you very much.
I really do.