
You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are

You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are

Hey there,
Good morning and happy Sunday to you.

I am so grateful Kika is going to be ok. Kika is my partner, Melissa’s, cat who yesterday found an Advil on the ground and bit into it (it was a gel tablet). We rushed her to the closest Emergency Pet Hospital we could find and after a series of tests; she’s going to be just fine.

Man, am I grateful for that news.

What are you grateful for this today? Really really really?

Gratitude is wonderful feeling. And deep, sincere gratitude is one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves and for others.

So I have a gift for us today. A little experiment that is easy to do and incredibly rewarding.

Slow down.

Slooooowwwwww everything down.

I mean everything. Make it a goal today to slow everything you do down, even just a little bit.

Eat slower.

Walk slower.

Stand up slower.

Shower slower.

Brush your teeth slower.

Drive slower.

Breathe slower.

Kiss slower (definitely kiss slower)

Hug slower.

Every little thing slower.

In fact, let’s make today one of the sloooowwwessstt days of our lives and watch what happens.

And as we slow our life down today, in those moments when we really are more present, breath in and out a nice, slow breath and right there, in that moment, find something to be incredibly grateful for.

I’m going to begin right now …

… (big breathe out) I’m incredibly grateful for you.

My love and very best,