Answer these two questions
Hey there,
Happy Sunday to you!
As I write this I’m sitting at the Mauna Kea Resort in Hawaii. It has one of most beautiful beaches in the world and it’s where I’ll be for the next several weeks. To say the least I’m extremely grateful for this blessed opportunity to come back home to the island of Hawaii.
What are you grateful for? I’m really asking you so if you can’t think of something right away take a moment. It’s worth it.
Last week I wrote about a man I admire very much, Anthony Montes. I celebrated his resiliency to hang in there as he’s gone after his dream for 30 years with such integrity.
Today I’d like to introduce you to somebody else I have enormous respect for. His name is Bubba Rutledge. Bubba was my dearest, closest friend when I lived here. I moved off-island 18 years ago and all these years later we’re closer than ever and my respect for him has only grown.
For 30 years Bubba had the best job at the best office in the world.
He was the beach captain at Kona Village Resort. If any of you reading this have ever been to Kona Village you know how beautiful that place is and what a step back in time it was when you stayed there.
Old Hawaii.
Bubba’s job was to make sure every single guest was spoiled rotten the second they set foot on that beach. From the time they arrived to the moment they left nothing but aloha.
He was verrrrrrry good at his job.
The guests were often rock stars, movie stars, great athletes and some of the most powerful, influential businessmen and women in the world.
And this is what makes Bubba so incredible because he was family to these people. Their kid’s kids kept coming back year after year and one of the main reasons was to see “Uncle Bubba.”
This will give you an idea of the type of influence he had on people and their families.
When Steve Jobs passed Bubba was the personal guest of the Jobs family. When he arrived Steve Jobs children ran to him with big hugs and screaming, “Uncle Bubba, you came!!!”
I’m sure as he sat there with Steve Jobs wife Lorraine on one side and Bill Clinton and Bono on the other, the guests had to be wondering, “Who the hell is that guy sitting over there wearing an aloha shirt?”
That’s Bubba.
The reason I’m sharing him with you is this: I hung out with Bubba and his beautiful wife, Lydia last evening. And as I drove home I was so struck by how pure, grounded, and “in balance” he is as a human being.
Now he’s lived Hawaii for the last 50 years so he’s not around a lot of “out-of-balance” people, energy and situations.
And for those of us who live on the mainland we are surrounded by a tremendous amount of “out-of-balance” people, energy and situations.
And that leads to a question I’d like to ask of you. What aspect of your life is “out of balance ” because of your daily routine. Is it physical, emotional, financial, professional or maybe all of the above?
And the real question is what can you do, TODAY, about it? What one step can you take to begin to get “in-balance?”
Next weeks newsletter is going to be a continuation of this so for now I’d like you to go to our private Newsletter Facebook page and answer these two questions. Where are you most “out of balanced” in your life and what can you do TODAY to begin to balance that out.
This is going to be fun!
I can’t wait to read what you share.
Until next week, ALOHA,